Haule’s tips for furnishing your first home with vintage finds

This Second Hand September, we’ve teamed up with Haule, an online marketplace for vintage and second hand homeware, to talk about furnishing your first home. Second Hand September was created by Oxfam in 2019 and has inspired thousands of people to shop in a way that is kinder to people and the planet. 

We invited Haule to give some advice on furnishing your first home using vintage and second hand items. Read on to find out what they have to say.

A blog by Haule

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Dimly lit bedroom in a Pocket home.

The benefits of buying a home (right now)

Buying a home is an investment in your future – but when you do it for the first time, it can feel really daunting. Considering the doom and gloom we hear every day on the news, it may seem particularly risky to take that next step. That’s why we asked Censeo Financial, our recommended Independent Mortgage Advisor, their thoughts on the benefits of buying a home right now, rather than waiting.

A blog by Censeo Financial

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Broadband and moving home in 2022

Approximately one million people are left without broadband for over a week when moving home. While that doesn’t sound very long, if you’re remote working, home schooling or stream your TV instead of watching live, a week can seem like forever!

A little forward thinking goes a long way to make the transition as smooth as possible, especially if you’re a first time buyer. Read on to find out all you need to know about broadband and moving home, as well as the service we provide in our homes at Pocket Living.

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First time buyer mortgage deposits: the ultimate guide

Did you know that a deposit is the biggest thing you need to save for in the home buying process? This can seem a bit daunting if you’re a first time buyer, especially if you’re not sure how big of a deposit you need or how to save for a deposit.

We’ve put together the ultimate guide on first time buyer mortgage deposits to get you on your way to homeownership, written especially with middle income earners in mind. Covering why a deposit is so important and what to do if you haven’t saved enough, this guide will help you put together a plan for saving for your first home.

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Can a mortgage offer be withdrawn or extended?

Buying a home can be a daunting experience. The mortgage process is not only the most important thing to understand, but arguably the most confusing. That’s why we’re here to help you get to the bottom of your most pressing questions so that you can begin your first time buyer journey.

If you’re a first time home buyer looking to demystify mortgage offers, read on. This blog post will provide a whistle stop tour of everything you need to know about mortgage withdrawals and extensions.

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The government’s mortgage guarantee scheme explained

The onset of the pandemic in the spring of 2020 quickly lead to the withdrawal of low-deposit mortgages, as property valuations ground to a halt and lenders looked for ways to manage business levels.

Over the last 12 months, the market has gradually opened up again, and the budget announcement in March saw the Government confirm its intention to support the housing sector by increasing the availability of 95% mortgages.

Here, we have broken down how the government’s mortgage guarantee scheme works.

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Is it better to rent or buy in London?

If you rent, deciding whether to take the plunge and buy a property is probably the biggest decision you’ll ever make.

For many people, the decision will be swayed by what’s affordable to them. In most areas of London, average monthly rents are actually higher than mortgage repayments, making buying a better option (as long as you can afford the deposit).

Everyone’s circumstances are different, but if you’re struggling to decide whether it’s better to rent or buy in London, we hope this article will help inform your decision.

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