
Enjoying life on our rooftop terraces

London’s first time buyers have made it clear that having access to outdoor spaces is really important. In our post-COVID-19 world, city makers have felt first-hand the difference this can make.  

Our design ethos is to build homes designed for city living, and a key element of this is to include shared spaces in every Pocket Living development. Ample communal spaces encourage a sense of community, and our rooftop terraces have become particularly popular. Here are a few of our favourites.

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Bridget’s story – Harbard Close IG11

Bridget (37) has always dreamed of putting down roots in London, but for the past three years she has struggled to find a home within her budget. 

“I am originally from North London, and most of my friends and family still live here, so it was always a goal of mine to be able to afford my own home nearby. I rented on and off for 10 years and found searching for affordable and suitable apartments became quite hard work, which really forced me to start looking for my own home. But it wasn’t easy”, says Bridget.

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Saving for your first home: ISAs, bank accounts and more

For many first time buyers, the most daunting part of the home buying process is saving for a house deposit. In particular, many wonder how to save for a house on a lower income and whether it’s even possible to do it at all.

Pocket Living is built around the idea that everyone should have a fair opportunity to get onto the housing ladder, so we’re going to share our best tips on saving for your first home, whatever your circumstances. We’ve included a range of information on ISAs, bank accounts and more to show you that there are plenty of options to consider to get yourself onto the housing ladder. Let’s get started.

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Resident making a coffee in the kitchen of her Pocket home.

How to save money on gas and electric bills [tips for first time buyers]

The UK’s rising cost of living has affected us all, but if you’re a first time buyer, you might feel particularly keen to keep your finances in check. If you’re wondering how to save money on gas and electric bills, there are many simple ways to reduce your outgoings, particularly by living more sustainably.

Our residents are first time buyers on middle incomes, so we know how important it is to them to make savings wherever possible. Buying a new build home is a great start, and by making an energy savings plan, you can reduce your bills and rest assured that you’re taking measures to live more efficiently and cut down on unnecessary costs.

Read on to find out our tips for saving money on your bills. They may seem small but can make a big difference over time, so start now to let the pennies begin to add up!

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The ultimate guide to indoor gardening for beginners

Indoor plants are brilliant for our physical and mental wellbeing. Having nature in our homes connects us with the outside world and helps filter the air in our home. Therefore, learning how to be an indoor gardener is useful for all of us, as we learn how to make our home both beautiful and better for our health.

Here we offer a guide on how to begin creating your indoor garden and how to make sure it flourishes.

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Haule’s tips for furnishing your first home with vintage finds

This Second Hand September, we’ve teamed up with Haule, an online marketplace for vintage and second hand homeware, to talk about furnishing your first home. Second Hand September was created by Oxfam in 2019 and has inspired thousands of people to shop in a way that is kinder to people and the planet. 

We invited Haule to give some advice on furnishing your first home using vintage and second hand items. Read on to find out what they have to say.

A blog by Haule

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Dimly lit bedroom in a Pocket home.

The benefits of buying a home (right now)

Buying a home is an investment in your future – but when you do it for the first time, it can feel really daunting. Considering the doom and gloom we hear every day on the news, it may seem particularly risky to take that next step. That’s why we asked Censeo Financial, our recommended Independent Mortgage Advisor, their thoughts on the benefits of buying a home right now, rather than waiting.

A blog by Censeo Financial

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Pocket Living show home

Pocket Living open day: View a Pocket home!

You may or may not be familiar with the Pocket model – we sell well-designed, compact homes across London for 20% below market value to help first time buyers get onto that ever-elusive property ladder.

Generally, we hold viewings for hopeful buyers who meet our eligibility criteria; however, for the first time, we’re opening things up and holding a Pocket Living open day for anyone who is interested in what we do.

On Saturday 30 July 2022, our flagship show home in central London will be open to anyone who wants to peek inside a Pocket home and learn more about buying one. No need to register with us – just book a ticket to reserve your space at our Pocket Living open day!

Our friendly sales team will be on hand to answer all your questions about what we do and our current and upcoming schemes. It’s going to be a good one, so don’t miss out!

Please note – tickets for this open day are now sold out. Register with us to receive info on our next open days!

To stay up to date with Pocket homes you would be eligible for, create a My Pocket account. You can also head to our gallery to watch the stories of city makers just like you who made homeownership in London a reality.