Streatham welcomes Pocket’s latest building for first time buyers

Hello Mountearl Gardens SW16!


mountearlgardens01  mountearlgardens06


Mountearl Gardens SW16 is another great example of the way Pocket Living brings architectural quality to areas of London popular with first time buyers.  We’re really proud of our latest scheme which made creative use of this site set on the corner of the handsome estate off Leigham Court Road.  Previously home to old garages, we worked with HKR Architects to create a building comprised of one, two and three storey blocks that optimises the site without compromising the views of existing residents.

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It’s all about good design at Western Road UB2, Ealing


The back of Western Road UB2 overlooking the garden


Our latest Pocket building on Western Road in the heart of Southall is complete with Pocket owners settled in and enjoying their homes. I am sure you will agree that this is one handsome building!  There are 36 one bedroom homes at Western Road UB2, all sold for £165,000 and designed for us by the architectural practice JTP.


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A First-Time Buyers’ guide to the London elections

Tomorrow London goes to the polls to elect a new Mayor of London. The Mayor is responsible for making London a great place to live, work and visit. For example the Mayor is responsible for things such as policing, transport and the fire service. But significantly for first time buyers, the Mayor has important housing powers. The Mayor must produce a housing strategy to invest in London’s housing and to meet the needs of London’s growing population.

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Buying a home in your local area – the tale of Thomas Golden


Become a homeowner in the area where you grew up – Pocket makes it happen!


The idea of buying a home where you grew up seems a bit of a pipe-dream – pie in the sky even! And so it may be for many Londoners, but Pocket is trying hard to make it possible for as many city makers as possible to own a home in their local area.

We are very proud to introduce Thomas Golden. You may have already spotted him in the Metro this morning, his is one of the buyers of Pocket’s compact homes in Oak Grove NW2.


Thomas and his mum on handover day.


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How to make a room look bigger

As we spend more time in our homes, having space in every room is more important than ever. A clear space is a clear mind, helping to increase productivity, reduce stress and generally make it easier to move around the house. This means that if you ever feel cramped in your home, the sooner you take action, the better.

Thankfully, knowing how to make a room feel bigger is much easier than it seems. You can make an instant impact by decluttering your house, using mirrors and using brighter colours. Read on for more tips to make a room bigger below.

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Calling all Pocket residents: win £500 with the #LivingwithPocket competition

There has been a lot of interest in what we do recently, things have been very busy and everyone from the press, politicians and city makers want to know what it is like to live in a Pocket home. So we want to hear from our residents.


If you live in a Pocket home you can enter our #LivingwithPocket competition for a chance of winning £500 to spend with one of our favourite shops Triangle.

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